Short update

Gepubliceerd op 18 augustus 2022 om 20:28

You know how a certain song or album can become the soundtrack of a summer. How every time you hear it, it takes you back. Back to the memories of those special moments, those days in the sun or that specific memory.

Niels and I went to a Green Day concert a few weeks ago and ever since their music has become my soundtrack for everything that has to do with our move. Why am I telling you this? I don't know, it seemed like the perfect introduction. 


I am currently sitting outside, playing Green Day with more peace of mind than I have had the last couple of months. Hence the introduction. We finally got some good news and a clear vision on what comes next. Sadly enough our visa is still pending. But considering that Niels still has roughly 4 weeks of vacation days left we are getting on that plane very very soon. Exactly one month from now we will be leaving our home in the Netherlands to go and enjoy a "special vacation" in what we hope is going to be our new home. Niels will have a few meetings and start training while we settle in and get a feel of what living in America will be like.


So here you have it. Finally some good news and a lighter post than the previous ones.


Just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I promise I will write again soon.



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