Ready, Set, Wait a little more....

Gepubliceerd op 27 juni 2022 om 22:22

Hi again,

So sorry to have kept you guys in the dark after my last post. Let's start with the good news (not that there is necessarily bad news coming but you know what I mean). WE GOT THE HOUSE!!!!!!!! *and the crowd goes WILD* Sadly enough Niels didn't take any selfies when he was there but I promise I will get some pictures up here soon. I cannot even begin to describe how relieved I feel knowing that we got one major thing to cross off our list. A wonderfull house is waiting for us to make it our home and boy am I looking forward to doing just that!

The plan (for now) is that I will be travelling to the USA in August. Niels will already be there and we will spend a few days together getting the house "move in" ready. 


Emphasis on the "for now" because it has been an absolute roller coaster when it comes to the timeline of our move. The more information we get the more things seem to change. There are days where it seems like we take 2 steps forward and 10 steps back. So for now I am clinging to the fact that we will get there eventually. In the meantime we are doing everything in our power to speed up the process and do our part. Still hoping our plan to be there mid September is going to work after all.


So to summarise, more waiting but also some cool developments. I will try to write more in detail next time but this is it for now.


Until next time.


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