Diggin in the dark - working on a dream

Gepubliceerd op 18 mei 2022 om 14:11

Did you ever hear that story about a woman who impulsively bought a trampoline for her son's birthday and then decided to switch up her whole garden the week before said birthday? 


Hi it's me, I am that woman!

So far for a little introduction. I have been very busy since I last wrote to you guys. In the beginning I stayed busy because I felt the need to (no need to state the obvious) but after things settled I was able to focus on Kevin his birthday fully.

Not really sure what to give Kevin for his birthday with our move coming closer, I ultimately went on to look for a secondhand trampoline. Bought said secondhand trampoline and decided I wanted it lowered into the ground so it would be safer for little Kevin. Niels and I started digging that same day and finished in the dark but..... we did finish the job. Kevin would wake up to his own trampoline, ready to use. 

During our dig Niels and I were able to talk and spend some quality time which was so precious. Stupid as it may sound but it is really moments like these that make me realize how much I love this man and how I value our relationship. Yes we have our ups and downs but as long as we can create moments like these together we're golden! In the meantime we have been preparing for the conversation Niels is going to have with his bosses and manager next week.  This conversation is going to be so important for our move and we are hoping to get some answers and direction. We are still striving for a move in September/October but I personally feel like it won't be manageable. Anyway we'll see what comes out of the conversation and take it from there. Just working towards this dream of ours, being able to visualize what we want our life to be like is amazing. Many of those visions and dreams will have to wait a few more years and some won't be accomplished at all which is ok too. We are very aware that it is going to take a lot of hard work, long days for both of us and bring even more ups and downs. But we are so ready for all of it!


Anyway back to more garden talk, let me give you all the dirt :) 

Our dig inspired me to rearrange part of our garden and this morning I started laying tiles/bricks to create a new path onto the grass. Not that I don't have a million other things to do with Kevin his birthday coming up but somehow it feels right putting my energy towards making our outdoor space more enjoyable. Mind you I have literally zero experience in this and am learning as I go. This, the fact that I am taking on a "new" task with all this other stuff going on shows me how I've changed.

Yes I still have my ups and downs and believe me those downs are really heavy. But I learned not to let those feelings take over, I traded bad days for bad moments and with that it is really my mindset that changed.


"Mindset matters" is tattooed on my arm and I try to live up to that saying each and every day. With that in mind I am going to close off this blog because, like I mentioned, there is so much to be done.


Thank you for bearing with me during all of my previous posts and this one that somehow turned into a gardening post.

I'll be writing again shortly!







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