Riding the waves

Gepubliceerd op 26 maart 2022 om 19:02

Short and sweet, I'm gonna try and keep it short and sweet.

Niels just left for a much needed run and when he comes back I am going to put all my focus and energy towards getting him a good nights rest.

I have not been able to write for a few weeks due to everything that has been going on. Nothing specific really, just life. I have been going through some things myself and on top of that Niels his workload tripled overnight when two of his team members quit. To say our situation at home is "tested" by this would be an understatement. Trying my hardest not to take things personal and be respectfull of Niels and what he needs in this situation. 


I am trying my best to keep us all afloat without forgetting myself in the process. Getting my exercise in and aiming for a good nights sleep. And (knocking on wood) have been doing so quite successfully....... let's hope I didn't just jinx it.


I promise I will be back with a longer blog shortly. I have been dying to write down my thoughts, get some clarity and hopefully help one of you in the process. For now my energy needs to be focused elsewhere.


Until next time!


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