When it rains...

Gepubliceerd op 22 februari 2022 om 15:59

Hi there,

I am so excited to be back on here. I have had a blogpost "cooking" for the past couple of days but just haven't found the time to sit down earlier. While i'm sitting here, laptop in front of me, trying to think of words to start off this blogpost the rain is coming down like crazy. It has been raining for days on end here in the Netherlands. Normally the weather and especially lots of rain would have had an impact on my mood, however now for the first time in forever I am totally fine. Kevin and I go outside no matter the weather and that my friend is a big change for me. Getting fresh air, moving my body and challenging myself to go outside of my comfortzone. Even with simple things like getting outside when inside seems to be more appealing, true change can be accomplished. 


And exactly that is what I want to write about today. The last few weeks have been kinda crazy. No further details have been given about our move to the USA. On our side we are thinking about all there is to organize and visualizing what it will be like to move there(I am a big believer in the power of visualisation). On the business side statements are made and retracted, a lot of talk but nothing concrete. Hoping to hear more about a timeline and the exact plans Niels his company has by the end of next week.... Fingers crossed!


In the meantime a major roadblock has occurred with our dog Skye. From the moment we knew our move was going to happen everything was about taking both dogs over there, them being the only animals from our "mini farm" that would come on this journey with us. Not once has it occurred to me that there was a possibility that Skye her HD (hip dysplasia related problemens) would get more severe. Sadly enough they have gotten worse over the past couple of days. One vet visit later and a lot of money lighter we are now going to start her on special supplements. We will also have painkillers on hand whenever they are needed. We hope this will at least stop the clock to make sure she can happily go with us and be painfree. If this is not the case we might be forced to make a decision we are absolutely not ready to make. O god the pain of even thinking about it is unbearable, but we are going to do what is right for her. We have always done so for our animals and are not going to change that due to our own circumstances.


With all this it is the mindset that matters. We can complain about the uncertainty and start crying about Skye before we even gave this a chance but we are not going to do that. With all we've overcome, all that has happened. I am a firm believer that your mindset can be a game changer. I am proud to say I am finally at the point that I actively use this in my everyday life and it makes all the difference in the world!!


Just like the rain coming down not affecting me now I (we) will find a way to make things better somehow.


Hope this blogpost helped you in some kind of way!



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