Work for it

Gepubliceerd op 14 november 2021 om 22:11

Hello there,
We are wrapping up a wonderful weekend and this blog is coming to you from our couch. Niels is currently studying and I am taking this opportunity to get some work done. And exactly that is what I am going to write this blog about: Putting in the work.


The last month has been one with challenges from start to end. Personal challenges, physical challenges and emotional things getting stirred up. 


Niels and I had to work through some issues regarding his work and travelling, I felt left out, left behind and about every other left feeling you can think of. Conversations were shared, tears flooded and eventually we came to a solution that felt good for both of us. Doesn't mean I forgot what started it all. I just decided to move on, because at the end of the day those hurt feelings only meant I wanted nothing more than to spend time with him. Time as a family but also some quality time just the two of us. 

Realising this made me and I dare say the both of us work harder. Trying to see the other person's point of view, reading between the lines and literally working harder to make time for each other.


Life isn't easy, marriage isn't always easy and things will keep coming up. I don't believe there will ever be any smooth sailing. But I do believe that we get to choose how rough the sea we sail on feels.   



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