The kind that bakes pies

Gepubliceerd op 23 februari 2021 om 15:11

“I want to be the kind of wife that bakes pies.” I said this to Niels at the start of our relationship, before we lived together, before we even talked about getting married and waaay before having kids was even a subject.

We have chosen to live our life a certain way. No 9 to 5 job for me or cleaning the bathroom for Niels. A more traditional household in which the wife cooks and cleans while the husband provides for the family. I must admit I am also working and trying to provide for us, but fair is fair, without Niels his income our life would be far from what it is like now.

And what do I bring to the table? What do i contribute? Well, I literally put stuff on the table. I cook, I clean, I bake pies, feed the animals and try to let Niels come home as relaxed as possible. This does not mean he gets home and doesn’t have to be involved and/or get his hands dirty. Pampering him is not the goal here, (and wouldn’t be possible because this man just can’t sit still) but I value what he is bringing to the table and this is my way of showing that. I get to be home with our little boy, see him grow up and be present during all his milestones and meltdowns XD.

I guess you could say this is my love language, acts of service. Especially the food part speaks to me. I know two ways to get people trough a rough patch being: 1. getting their feet moving, exercise -> anything outside really. And secondly good food, fresh bagels in the weekends, new recipes for dinner, surprising him with his favorite meal. It all works as long as it’s made with love and this works for us.

Coming up on seven years together of which 2 years as husband and wife. This is our way, our life and we get to choose our own path. That’s why I am the stable mucking, bread making, pie baking kind of wife.



Written by Stéphanie Cranen

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