Count your blessings

Gepubliceerd op 1 februari 2021 om 15:11

I have this hero, she is a world champion barrel racer and our lives couldn’t be farther apart. But still I think you can find things in common with about everyone you meet, beliefs, habits, just little things. In this case I aspire to live my life to the fullest and try to take her guidance and wisdom to accomplish just that. Long story short, she always says you should count your blessings and try to see the light in every situation. Totally honest there are lots of days where seeing the good in situations can be hard and I fail at this horribly. But most days, I make sure to search for those moments and see the blessings in even the littlest things.

For instance this Sunday: Niels had been sick all weekend which prompted me to treat a Sunday like a weekday. That meant Kevin and I did our own thing without taking Niels his plans into account. So we went for our morning walk and enjoyed some sunshine and fresh air. Normally our routine is to get outside, feed the animals and then proceed on our walk. Most of the times Kevin falls asleep during this walk but wakes up directly when we are back on our property. Yesterday he stayed asleep, long enough for me to get back into the stables, do some chores and just enjoy the time outside with a sleeping kid and my horse. The sun was shining, I got so much done and Kevin was so relaxed that he slept trough everything. Those moments are my blessings.

And I catch myself in these moments thinking “why can’t he always be this way?” but these thoughts immediately take away from how precious that single moment is. Because the reality is, Kevin has not been easy. Yes he goes out and does chores with me everyday (which means he is all bundled up in a ski-suit or blanket and watches me work). But there are several times a week he just isn’t a happy camper if it takes me longer that the usual 15 to 20 minutes to complete my tasks.

Not a problem, that’s also a part of life, having to compromise, having to wait for just a few minutes. I know it won’t hurt him and along the way this makes him understand that this is also a part of living on a farm / taking care of animals (or at least I hope so). Moments like yesterday make me think back to the beginning, when Kevin wasn’t even able to hold it for 5 minutes in the stable.

In retrospect, Kevin had such a bad start that most of the things I do on a day to day basis weren’t possible until a few months ago. Taking care of the animals was the least of my worries for those first weeks.


What I’m trying to say here is that things might seem dark but there is always some light to be found.

I am looking forward to more “blessings” aka moments outside with a happy (sleeping) baby.



Written by Stéphanie Cranen

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