A slower pace

Gepubliceerd op 18 juni 2023 om 17:56

What happens to a blogger's inspiration when she is happy? Honestly......inspiration is still there. But the urgency to write and get things of my chest seems to fade.

Off course there are things I want to talk about, but often times they settle or disappear to the background because the good outweighs them.


Writing this I realize how lucky I am to be able to say this, even after a miscarriage. Truth is I wasn't expecting myself to recover this quickly. I still have sad moments where the realization that the baby we had hoped for will not be physically joining us. Moments like my first workout back, where I bawled for 45 minutes straight and felt on the verge of a breakdown the rest of the day.  Moments where a physical release acts like a wake up call. A wake up call to let those tears flow and feel those feelings even though life goes on.


After losing our baby I have been more aware of where we are in life. The people we have surrounded us with and the kind of life we are living. We are very intentional with how we spend our time, who we spent it with. There is so much to be gained from a slower paced way of life. Not rushing from one thing to the next, not having everything planned out.


What can I say?! Life has been pretty amazing lately, yes like I mentioned above there have been heavy moments but all in all I couldn't be happier. Kevin started swimming lessons, we have been doing a lot of work on our garden and enjoying our first American summer. Investing time in our friendships, being a part of meal trains and making plans for our future.


We are right where we want to be!


That's where I am going to leave it for now, don't worry this is not going to turn into a gardening or hippie dippie blog, just figured I'll keep sharing the positives too. I will keep sharing and writing. 


Until next time






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