OK, I guess?!

Gepubliceerd op 15 september 2021 om 22:05

Hey there, another short update so you know I'm still alive and totally determined to keep my promise of writing regularly.

Where to begin, the last couple of weeks have been an absolute shitshow (excuse the language) and it does not look like things are going to settle down any time soon.

Niels and I have had some stuff to work out, Kevin had pneumonia and on top off that my mother decided to add some childhood trauma to the mix. I have been.................. good, bad and worse but for now I guess I am OK.


Next week we are leaving on a very unexpected family holiday in Turkey. After that, Niels continues to travel and won't be home for a month (at least).

I am dreading our goodbye at the airport in Turkey but will be damned if I let that forecast overshadow our holiday.


For now I am going to soak up all the family and quality time we have together until then. 


Be prepared for lots of content coming your way since I will be having a lot of time alone with my thoughts. 


See you next time!

Written by Stéphanie Cranen

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