What's stopping you?

Gepubliceerd op 30 augustus 2023 om 02:47

Make something of the time your killing


My new motto and quite possibly the next tattoo I'm going to get (that is if I decide to get a new one). This summer, oh boy with all it's ups and downs..... This summer has been the best summer I've ever had. 

I know, and you can tell reading back, that it hasn't always been perfect and that there were some really low lows but all in all.... Best summer ever! This summer I have been able to be the mom, wife and person I always wanted to be.Without judgement or snarky comments, and even if there were, I felt comfortable enough in my role to do my own thing anyway. I got to discover this whole new side of myself, one that's more focused on making memories than being worried about all of the "what if's". Now that this summer is coming to an end I am looking back on months and months of experiences that, I dare say I might have kept myself from when we would have still been in the NL. Somehow being here gave me that extra push to change my way of thinking. My friendships here have flourished, Kevin is growing like a weed, I am still not comfortable in my body BUT I have not let that stop me for one second.

What I am trying to say is this: Say you get 15 summers to really spend with your kids before they go off and do their own thing. 15 summers in which you get to create their standard of what summer and quality time looks like. I don't want to have any regrets and can truthfully say that we did it all. Whole conversations with Niels about how I was going to do certain things even though I was scared to embark on those journeys alone. Conversations with one of my best friends about how I knew for sure the old me would have found an excuse not to wear that bikini. 

And even when you leave the child/parent concept out of this. Say you get 85 summers, of which you will only be truly present for say 81 (what age is it again when you start remembering things?). Don't you want to make sure you look back on those summers without regrets?


Again I know it's not always perfect and I for sure don't always get it right.

But I do feel like the only thing stopping you from going out there and making memories (with your child) is you. I am not talking about money, expensive trips or gifts. Real quality time, going to the lake, taking that walk, swimming together.

While I'm on this high I want to give you one advice and please take it to heart. Doesn't matter if you're a fellow mom reading this or just somebody looking for tools to tackle this life we're living.

Whatever you do, take the chance, do it scared and go make those memories. 



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