The land of the free

Gepubliceerd op 11 april 2023 om 01:17


The land of the free

Some dare even say the greatest country in the world.

I to some extent agree with all of those things and can see why people believe this to be true.

For us The states certainly embodies all the above and we are so thankful to finally (rightfully) call it our home.


Our visas got approved and the feeling we got coming back here..... I just can't describe it. Coming home doesn't do it justice. 

Niels is finally able to do the job he was hired to do and we can start planning the rest of our future here. 

The realization that we are finally in a "safe place" is still unreal. The last months have been extremely straining and stressful and like I wrote before, it certainly took a toll on us. It almost feels like you've been on the run for so long, that now the threat is gone you are still looking over your shoulder.

And yes I am aware this might come off very privileged, comparing a visa process and extensive travel to being on the run. But for lack of better wording this is what i'm gonna go with. 


It's gonna take some time getting all this adrenaline and stress out of our systems. No more rushing or insecurity about what next month will bring. Nothing is set in stone but knowing that we are set for at least the next 3 years is such a relief.


For now we are mainly going to focus on having an amazing American summer. Lots of BBQ's, spending time at the park and enjoying everything this town has to offer. We are here for all of it and ready for new experiences.


Just wanted to give you guys a short update, I'll be sure to write again soon. 

Lots of topics that I can finally get into now that we are here to stay. 


Until next time 









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