Let's gooo!!

Gepubliceerd op 7 januari 2022 om 13:57

Happy New Year everyone!


I am back and so ready to blog. The last few months of 2021 had some big ups but also some lows which challenged me to reevaluate a lot of things. Friendship and sharing in friendship was one of my biggest triggers coming in to this new year. Lots of walks and time to organize my thoughts have helped me and gave me clarity. This meant letting go of some hurt feelings and accepting that I stopped being somebody's safe haven during the last few months of a turbulent year. This doesn't mean this friendship in particular is over, just means the roles have shifted and I am going to have to discover my new role. It's not easy but I've come to the conclusion that this is the path of least resistance and that's just how it goes in life. Being able to "get over" this was a big one for me but now that I am at this point, it feels good to be looking forward.


Now on to bigger news. It finally seems like the wheels are in motion for our America adventure!!!  Remember me writing in my first blogpost that Niels and I were planning on moving to the USA? Let me recap it here for you shortly. Niels and I have always been in love with America and dreamed of moving there ever since we got together. The company Niels works for has an office in the states and Niels mentioned to his boss that he would very well be interested in moving there / working from that location.

A few years have gone by without anything really happening but now............after lots and lots of waiting, it looks like we might be getting the chance to chase this dream. Nothing is for sure and we are very far from having things actually in writing. But I can tell you that we have never been this close and that alone makes for a lot of excitement! It also brings a lot of questions, things we have to arrange, steps that we are or aren't gonna take. Realising that change is within reach makes us look at everything in a different light. 

Also realizing that things won't be easy, we will be starting over. Having to miss our inner circle. Leaving behind our home here in the Netherlands. All those memories, all those moments we shared on this property, the projects we worked on around the house. But we know one thing and that is that we have come to a fork in the road and we will, most likely, not get this chance again.


It feels kinda weird sharing this on here because most of the people who are going to be impacted by this don't know at this point. However most of those people aren't reading this blog and/or have not been supportive (or sceptic) of our dream. Which at this point makes it easier to keep quiet until we know more. 


So much more I want to share, thoughts I want to get out, things to say. But little Kevin is slowly waking up from his nap and Niels will be home, to kick-off the weekend, shortly.


This is it for now! I will write again soon!


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