What a statement

Gepubliceerd op 7 augustus 2021 om 11:10

Lots of people around us, friends and family had kids before we did. The most common statement we heard and still hear when it comes to parenthood and kids is: “when the kids have a good time we have a good time”.

Somehow this statement and way of thinking sparks something inside me. I get the statement, I really do and I believe that’s true up until some point. But I also feel like we as parents have a big role in this.

As a parent you get the chance to show your kid what a good time is. We set the bar and I truly believe that we shape the behavioural patterns that they will still have later on in life.

Taking your kids out in the woods exploring, getting back to nature. A long hike or just a drink outside while watching the birds. All of those things form character.

You are literally leading by example. When your kids see you hanging in front of the TV, scrolling on your phone for hours, that’s what they will associate with relaxation or a good time.

The same goes for quality time. What do you want your kid to associate with quality time? Niels and I are wired a certain way and I wrote about that in a few of my other posts. We make it a big deal to spend time together, not just one night a week but as much as we can. And that quality time can look like lots of things, even working outside together.

We recently came back from our first family vacation, on our trip we would have had the possibility to bring/take Kevin to a playcenter or something like that. Instead we took him into the woods for hours and hours, gave him the chance to get dirty, touch and feel nature. But above all, let him see that this is OUR way of relaxing, our ultimate quality time.

There is nothing wrong with vacation entertainment and I am the last one to say TV or smartphones are a bad thing, however I feel like “a good time” can mean whatever you want it to. You as a parent get the chance to shape what a good time is.

Don’t mess it up!



Written by Stéphanie Cranen

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